TMS Process
Find out if this is right for you!

Contact us for your free screening to see if TMS is right for you:
Fill out our contact form or call (229) 244-2030 to schedule an appointment. We will gather basic demographic information and ask screening questions to ensure you don’t have any contraindications and that the TMS is appropriate for your condition.
Gathering data:
We will send you electronic intake forms to gather the data insurance companies require to cover TMS, such as documentation of past medications and therapy. We need your written consent to get your psychiatrist, therapist, and pharmacy records. You can ask your providers for this (and sign the needed consent forms) to expedite the process.
Pre-treatment consult:
In this session, we will document your symptoms, functioning, psychiatric, medical, and social history and answer any questions you have about TMS.
Mapping and initial TMS session:
During this session, we will determine the personalized settings for your TMS, including the best placement for the magnetic coil and the appropriate power level for the magnetic pulsing. This usually takes about 30 minutes. Once you have been successfully mapped, then we will proceed with the first treatment session. For most patients, this takes about 19 minutes. During treatment, you can relax in the chair and watch TV or listen to music or audiobooks. After the procedure, you can immediately return to your daily activities, including driving.
TMS sessions:
TMS is traditionally done for 36 sessions, each lasting about 20 minutes on average, Monday-Friday for six weeks, then a taper over three weeks. We assess your symptoms and adjust the treatment as needed during the process.
With your permission, we will send a letter to your provider documenting your response to TMS. As depression is often a recurrent illness, we ask you to monitor yourself for symptoms. If you start seeing the depression returning, insurance will often cover another course of TMS. Please get in touch with us to start the process again.
Would you like to know more?
The goal of a AR Psychiatric and Counseling Center is to provide individuals with the tools and support they need to manage their mental health and lead fulfilling lives.
NeuroStar TMS Client’s Stories